Fear is the opposite of faith. God did not call us to a lifestyle of fear but rather a lifestyle of faith. Faith is believing in what is true even though you have yet to see it. Fear is believing in a lie even though you have yet to see it. The Bible says, "perfect love casts out fear (1John 4:18)." What is this perfect love? It is Jesus! And He came so that we may have life and enjoy it (John 10:10 amp). This perfect love (Jesus) says He will provide for us, He will clothe us, and He will take care of our needs (Matt 6:25-34). I believe His point in this is for us to not spend our time worrying about the bad things that can happen but to trust in His ability to provide for us. He always comes through. What benefit is there in fear? What does it add to our life but torment. I believe that as we give God our fears its saying we trust in His perfect love. Faith is trusting in Gods kingdom; fear is trusting in the devils kingdom. I choose to put my faith in Gods kingdom!!
Be Blessed!
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