The other day I was at work and I was having one of those days where you just can't shake the negativity that surrounds you. I couldn't seem to rise above the muck that all to often surrounds me at work. Instead of rising above it, I got pulled into it and found myself wallowing in self-pity. For a moment I found myself cursing everything about my job. The more and more my focus continued on my own situation and how it was affecting me, the further I found myself falling down the proverbial rabbit hole. Just when I thought I was going to disintegrate in self awareness, in walked a man (who also works at the same place as I do just in a different department, so I rarely see him) and he begun to talk to me about his concern with where the world is headed. He began to talk about how bad things are getting around the world and how the world needs a Messiah. He began to share how he's been more aware of spreading the gospel because the time is getting short. I stood there listening to this man share his heart with me. We finished up our conversation and then we both continued on with our day. As I walked away from this man I felt my burden lift. I thought it to be strange because although our conversation was good it wasn't exactly uplifting (so I thought). In the past talking about the world coming to an end didn't exactly excite me! But there I stood; burden lifted. As I got back to work God began to show me the reason my burden lifted. He showed me that my perspective changed. It went from a place of self-pity and how my environment was affecting me to a perspective of how am I affecting my environment. I've always known that self-pity never leads to a good place but on occasion I throw caution to the wind and dive in feet first. Often times coming out the other side worse off. But because of Gods goodness He sent a man to me to help change my perspective. To get my eyes of my situation and onto the bigger picture. I thought to myself, "the harvest is plenty but the labors are few." I immediately thanked God for helping change my perspective and getting my focus back on Him. I also had to go to this man (who I know is also having a difficult time rising above the muck at work) and share with him how his conversation with me affected me. I thanked him for taking the time to share with me what was on his heart. I explained how it affected me and for a moment we were able to encourage each other to keep our eyes on the prize, the big picture. This was such a good reminder for me of the battle that is being wagged. The battle for our attention and focus. The enemy is at work to keep our focus off of Gods commandment (the great commission) and onto our own problems that in return keep our focus on changing our own situation instead of changing the world around us. Remember that God is at work taking care of that which concerns you so that you can be at work being His hands and feet to a world in need.
Be Blessed!!!
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