Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weapons Formed

Isaiah 54:17
"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.

When my wife and I found out we were going to have another baby 7 months ago, you could understand how elated we were to find this out. Then when we found out we were going to have a girl our elation turned to jubilation because that is what we hoping for. But what we found out next was something that we definitely weren't prepared to hear! When We found out that our baby Eden only had a two vessel cord instead of three, our jubilation turned to deep concern seeing that we really had no understanding of what this meant. Immediately the enemy wanted to turn what God meant for good into something evil. As you could imagine my concern turned to fear and then came the meltdown. In the midst of my meltdown God reminded me of something my mom has always told me. "God never promised that weapons wouldn't be formed, just that they wouldn't prosper." Wow what a great reminder of our Gods goodness!  As I sought God on our situation He began to bring peace to my heart reassuring me that this was only a weapon formed that wasn't going to prosper. This peace is what we were going to need seeing that with each step along the way the enemy kept reminding us of this weapon fashioned against our baby. With each reminder the enemy brought to our attention, the light of Gods promises quickly dispelled them. The first weapon fashioned was the two vessel cord, we sought God and He brought peace to our hearts and minds. The next weapon was that our baby had too much fluid in her kidneys (which could be a cause of the two vessel cord). On our next visit Gods hand already was at work and the fluid in her kidneys was already dissipating. Than the enemy tried to tell us that our baby was going to be small as an affect of the two vessel cord. On our next visit to the doctors we found out the our baby was two weeks ahead of where she should be in her growth (which is what we were praying for), thank you God. The enemy has continued to try to have us latch on to his lies and to believe that this weapon formed against our little girl was going to prosper. And we've had a choice through this; are we going to believe this lie and allow it torment our minds with  fear or are we going to trust in the goodness of God and believe He has the best for our little one. This hasn't been easy, but we've chosen to trust in God. Our last visit to the doctor we were told that they saw something in our last ultrasound that gave them concern with our baby's brain. They immediately sent us off to a high risk specialist to examine the baby's brain. Seeing that this was new news to us we immediately had to make a decision if we were going to allow this weapon formed to steal our peace or if we were going to remain in Him. As tough as it was we allowed Gods peace to comfort our minds. After seeing the specialist we found out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with our baby's brain, she's ahead of schedule in her growth and she no longer has any fluid in her kidneys. All of which shouldn't be, considering she only has two vessel cords. Thank you Jesus for your goodness in our lives. This is a testament to the goodness of our God. Remember that when the enemy forms weapons against you that God will not allow them to prosper. Remain in Him and you'll remain in peace.
Be Blessed!!

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